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We offer 3 types of snow & ice management services. Choose from on-call, an open package (with which you can choose to opt out before each service), or a comprehensive package. With comprehensive, you'll be worry-free: we'll be watching the weather for you.


Our services are trigger-based. De-icing materials will be applied when temperatures reach anything below -1 degree Celsius and we will plow when 1 inch of snow has accumulated.

You'll never have to worry about remembering to call us, because we'll watch the weather for you. We use industry-leading cold weather forecast apps such as the Weather Network and AccuWeather, which is accurate down to the square kilometer. We also refer to generation-old resources, like Old Farmer's Almanac.

No matter when the temperature drops, we’ll ensure your sites are safely cleared & salted before staff and customers arrive.


As a manager of Boston Pizza on the Langley Bypass, I was very pleased with the quality and speed of the salting of our walkway.

— Stephanie Poje, Boston Pizza
I have done business with TBO’S since 2009 and I am pleased to report that all business has been done in a highly satisfactory manner. They have cleared our parking lot of snow and ice on time and placed it in the proper spots. I did not have to call them each time but once our agreement was in place all work was done before church and school started each morning. I would highly recommend using TBO’S for any of your snow clearing needs.
— Marc S., Business Manager at White Rock Christian Assembly