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 La Niña




La Niña

Rob Thibault


Have you heard of La Niña? She’s not a famous gal or a hurricane headed straight for your door. Nope! La Niña occurs on a unpredictable cycle every 2-7 years and refers to a set of conditions in which “cooler than normal sea-surface temperatures, in the central and eastern tropical Pacific ocean, impact global weather patterns.”

What does this mean for you? La Niña has come to be known as code for “expect cooler episodes” of weather and serious snow and ice events for those in the Pacific Northwest. This means you!

Prepare for colder temperatures than normal. Be ready for more frequent storms. Be ready for persistent and consistent cold snaps that lead to freezing. How long does La Niña last? La Niña conditions have been known to last up to two years.

The TBO Snow and Ice Management Team is excited about the arrival of La Niña. La Niña provides an opportunity for us to experience the full range of seasons, an extra dose of winter, and an ongoing chance to provide high quality care for our clients!

Are you curious about the difference between La Niña and El Niño? Let us help you! During El Niño, weather patterns tend to warm, signaling the arrival of more mild winters and easier winter conditions. La Niña on the other hand signals the arrival of cooler weather patterns and the potential for more extreme conditions.

Be it La Niña or El Niño, the TBO Snow and Ice Management Team is here to assist you in keeping your home and property snow, ice, and risk free!