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The Vancouver Christmas Market




The Vancouver Christmas Market

Rob Thibault

Erin Ashleigh Photography.

Erin Ashleigh Photography.

Were you at the Vancouver Christmas Market last year? Described as “a beloved holiday tradition for locals and visitors alike,” the Vancouver Christmas Market is a crowd favourite.

Each year this unique west coast market helps Vancouverites get into the Christmas spirit! Featuring “more than 75 huts of authentic, German sweets, treats, and treasures” the #YVR Christmas market spans the extensive Jack Poole Plaza, home to the 2010 Olympic Cauldron.

Sponsored by an impressive roster of community partners, including but not limited to Children’s Wish, Cloverdale Paint, Evo, and Coast Capital, TBO’s Snow & Ice Management was proud to protect their site, allowing for a beautiful event to unfold.

We loved listening to musicians like Rosemary Siemens and Eli Bennett, Ari Neufeld, and Rue Morales. And don’t get us started on Schnappsl Kaffee Haus,

Transylvanian Bakery Chimney Cakes, and Candy Meister.

We can neither confirm nor deny whether we got a special visit or two from Santa. (And don’t even think about asking! We’re under strict orders from the elves to neither confirm nor deny any inquires.)

Did you attend the Vancouver Christmas Market? Did we see you there? Are you planning to attend this year? What is your favourite part?