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The Unexpected Hazards




The Unexpected Hazards

Rob Thibault

When we think about how to avoid slipping in cold weather, we look for obvious warning signs: sheets of slick, shiny ice—or perhaps a comical banana peel.

But what about the unexpected hazards?

This season, there will be unseen dangers that property managers can't predict and pedestrians don't expect:

  • The leaky car

  • The cracked hose bib

  • The discarded coffee, now spilt and frozen

  • Melting snow trails

Have you ever slipped and, once recovering your balance, looked down in surprise at the near-invisible patch of frozen liquid? You probably weren't expecting that stretch of ground to be slippery.

The unexpected hazards are the most dangerous kind.

Fortunately, we have two great solutions: SALT and BRINE. It's always a good idea to be on the safe side. 

This season, let us help you keep your properties safe and accessible.