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Bienvenido a La nina




Bienvenido a La nina

Rob Thibault

I remember growing up as a kid and hearing my Dad refer to El Nino and La Nina. I was always confused. What were these magical weather forces that had such beautiful names? As an adult, I now understand that these are names used to refer to climatic changes that signal a change in temperature and weather patterns. After a summer of El Nino - a set of climatic changes that bring unusually warm weather - CBC reports that British Columbia is set to experience La Nina - a set of climate changes that is set to bring unusually cool weather (flurries!) to the West Coast.

As we gear up for an unusually cool winter and embrace the increased number of ski days that accompany La Nina and cross our fingers for a white Christmas, TBO’s Snow & Ice Management team will be gearing up to provide to the minute snow and ice removal services. According to Dave Phillips, senior climatologist at Environment Canada, winter will be "A little cooler, a little bit more snow even on the streets of Vancouver."

Are you ready? See you in the streets!