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We've Got Your Back




We've Got Your Back

Rob Thibault

We’ve all been there - that month where you’ve skipped a few sessions at the gym, slept in, and spent a little too much time at the chocolate fondue station only to (bam!) be suddenly presented with the task of clearing the driveway after an unexpected dump of powder!

Don’t worry! We’re watching your back! TBO’s Snow & Ice Management team has put together some tips and tricks to keep you from pulling a muscle or straining your back this holiday season!

How do you shovel? Orthopedic sports and physical therapist Abby Sims reminds us that like any good workout, it’s important not to hold one’s breath when engaging in vigorous physical activity. Additionally, it is important to do all lifting while bending from the knees and not the waist, retaining a neutral spine and engaging the legs.

Men’s Health reminds us to dress warmly and ensure that we are using the best equipment possible. Popular Mechanics authors also remind us of the importance of stretching, hydrating, and being strategic in terms of moving snow the shortest distance possible.

Do you have any snow clearing tips and tricks to share with us? How do you protect your back when clearing snow? Drop us a line through our Contact page or comment below!