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Traction Grit




Traction Grit

Rob Thibault


Clients sometimes say, “Why are you spreading that dirt around here?”

Every time they’ll hear a member of our team respond enthusiastically, “It’s traction grit!”

There are few things we love as much as traction grit.

What is traction grit? Traction grit is a sand like substance that is made of 100% natural crushed rock. We spread it liberally on the driveways and carparks of those we service.

Here are a few of the many benefits of traction grit!

  1. Traction grit doesn’t pollute or stain.

  2. Constructed of rock, it doesn’t dissolve or devolve into a muddy substance like other limestone based grits that are often used.

  3. Traction grit gives immediate grip to customers, avoiding wait times that accompany the use of chemical based solutions.

  4. Traction grit doesn’t cause cement surfaces to deteriorate.

  5. Made of natural materials, traction grit is environmentally friendly.

The best part about traction grit? As snow melts, traction grit stays on whatever surface you are trying to de-ice and continues to add traction even as conditions change. That means if you get less ice or perhaps more snow after you put down traction grit, you won’t have to worry about traction grit losing its effectiveness. While salt and de-icing chemicals melt as soon as they perform their initial task, traction grit is in it for the long haul!

In addition, use of traction grit provides our clients with an easy transition from winter to spring. Simply sweep up the grit at winter’s end and your surfaces will be as good as new!

Looking for someone to bring a little traction grit to a home near you? Let us know today!